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Blood rain in kerala | Reason behind blood rain | UPSC | Facts about kerala

BLOOD RAIN in Kerala why and how   Blood rain, also known as red rain, is a phenomena in which blood appears to fall from the sky as rain. Cases have been documented since Homer's Iliad ( Greek Ancient poem ), written around the 28th century BC, and are common.Long before the arrival of the 17th century, it was widely assumed that rain was truly blood. The occurrence of blood rain was regarded a negative portent in cult practise, according to literature. It was used to foretell events, although while some of these instances may be fictional, others are historical. The blood rain phenomena is now thought to be caused by aerial spores of the green microalgae Trentepohlia annulata, according to scientific consensus . References in Literature . The earliest literature instances was found in the homers Iliads in which Zeus is responsible for the blood rain twice the same kind of things can be seen in the work of the famous poet Hesiod's  , in around 700 BC . Famous Greek ...

Prehistoric Age in India [Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC]

 The term "prehistoric age" refers to a period prior to the invention of writing and development. Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Iron Age are the five periods. For the IAS Exam, it is one of the most essential topics under Ancient Indian History. prehistoric age of India History History is the study of the past (from the Greek word historia, which means "inquiry" or "knowledge gained through research"). History is a broad phrase that refers to both historical events and the gathering, organisation, presentation, and interpretation of information about them. It is split into three sections: prehistory, protohistory, and history. 1. Pre-history – Pre-history refers to events that occurred before the introduction of writing. The three stone ages reflect prehistoric times. 2. Proto-history-  is the period between pre-history and history when a culture or organisation has yet to exist but has been recorded in the written records of a mod...

Steps taken by RBI to boost Digital payments in India | challenges and action to counter | UPSC | Finance

Recent initiatives of RBI to boost digital payments Upsc online payments For high-value checks, a positive pay method is used. The Reserve Bank of India announced a raft of initiatives to boost digital payments on Thursday, including a system for making offline payments with mobile devices and cards, as well as a Positive Pay method to avoid high-value check fraud. "Under this mechanism, cheques will be processed for payment by the drawee bank based on information passed on by its customer at the time of issuance of cheque," the RBI said in its Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies, adding that the Positive Pay mechanism will cover approximately 20% and 80% of total cheques issued in the country, respectively, by volume and value. The method will apply to all checks with a value of 50,000 or more. It would improve customer safety in cheque payments and prevent cases of fraud caused by tampering with cheque leaves, according to the RBI. RBI  Digital payments that ...

Who was the last country to leave India | Which European country leave India last | Schoolnearheart | timeline

 Which Foreign Country came to India First and left the country last  Portuguese India  Which country leave India first Great Britain or Portugal and who ruled for more time. ----- hey there, today we are going to discuss which foreign rulers left India last, as many of us think that Britishers  were the last of the foreign rulers but that is not exactly true, Britishers are one of the last ruling parties leaving India but the Portuguese are the  one who left India last and also not peacefully but after an Indian military operation take place.  but we study or listened about Britishers only because they are more powerful and they had more land under their rule but the first one to claim the rule is Portugal as they are the one who founded the route to India  Portugal's rule started from 1505 to December 1961. making goa and Cochin the big capital cities, the total area under Portuguese control  was 1619 square miles that mean 4,193 square km. oka...