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Taxila | Mahayana Buddhism

Taxila  and the spread of  Mahayana Buddhism   Sasha Isachenko / CC BY-SA     Taxila is one of the Earliest Educational and spiritual center of the world Taxila is formerly known as Takhsashila in Sanskrit which Actually means " City of Cut Stone " . Taxila is a middle point for the connection between Mediterranean countries & central Asia to India for Some Countries like 6th century BC to 5th century BC So how Mahayana Buddhism spread is full of facts , mysteries & stories , the ascetic  Buddhism is older from the Mahayana one . Ashoka wants to spread Buddhism to more & more kingdoms after Kalinga War . So due to this dream or i can say a duty toward religion , Ashoka gave a present to the Chinese ruler of Chou dynasty on the first day of Silk route , the present is Actually Buddha's finger bone but these efforts are not up mark for spreading Buddhism in china for centuries .     After Ashoka's death , Taxila bec