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what are the problems of education in Nepal ? | Sakshi Education | department of Education Nepal

What are the problems of education in Nepal

Nepal is becoming a more important country for sending students to  International schools . In 2016/17, the number of Nepali students in the United States increased by more than 20%, by far the highest growth rate among the top 25 sending countries. As a result, Nepal is one of the few countries bucking the “Trump effect,” which saw a drop in new foreign student enrolments in 2016/17.(scope of health education )

There are plenty of problems in Nepal Education , and department of education Nepal.

kid writing on a notebook
Education in Nepal

In spite of its rich and energising society, Nepal is the country with a low proficiency level. Just somewhat more than half of the number of inhabitants in Nepal realise how to peruse and compose. Ladies in Nepal are less educated than men – just 42% percent of ladies are proficient, though 68% of men can peruse and compose. There are various reasons why guardians don't need their kids to go to classes. Most importantly, despite the fact that schools are gratis, they don't get numerous speculations; hence, guardians are compelled to pay for the school needs. 

For low-pay families this is very tricky. In addition, for some families to send a youngster to class intends to lose a specialist which prompts enormous monetary issues in these families. Another motivation behind why for certain youngsters it is difficult to concentrate in school is that just around half of kids in this nation can communicate in the authority language of Nepal: the remainder of the kids communicate in neighbourhood dialects and are not bilingual. Today, be that as it may, the language circumstance is improving: while Nepali is as yet the significant language of guidance, nearby dialects are likewise utilized in school in rustic regions just as Sanskrit and English  .

- Not Having Quality Education Outside Kathmandu

School campus with lush green area
School in Nepal

In Nepal , we cannot find any Big Quality Education , Institute or any other High Education Universities Outside the Big cities of Nepal . It seems that all the good higher secondary colleges lie near the big cities , Now its means student have to stay away from the family  and have to come and live in Kathmandu . that cost a lot in many terms like renting a room or a Hostel charge , High stake fees as you are in capital of the country . food & other values . Now , because of this many families hesitate to get indulged in this education hustle in Nepal. education Nepal is like this .

- Does Poor syllabus & teaching mechanism matters in Nepal

a girl writing on white board

Being a teacher is not a great mark in Nepal . As we see in India , Being a teacher is a great thing , you will get respect , good amount of money , perks everything .  This mark of being  a teacher in Nepal gives a bad impression of teacher and as a effect , there is a lack on the side of qualified teacher .

In the case of syllabus , there is no significant update from decades as per student the syllabus is outdated and now gives wrong information .

- Limitations

Courses are restricted, and in part of cases, courses have practically zero possibilities. I generally needed to consider Applied Mathematics or Theoretical Physics, however it's simply become a dream for me a quite a while in the past. Seems like medication, designing and CA are just legitimate positions in Nepal. Different positions? They have no importance, at any rate according to the Nepalese charlatans.

- Lack of  Recognition

Here, too, geniuses are born! Because many of them go unnoticed, they end up as a waste of flesh. Other geniuses, on the other hand, simply leave the country to study elsewhere.
vector image of blackboard
lack of recognition

- Employment and future Aspects

Finding one's dream work that matches one's qualifications and providing a stable life for one's family and oneself is almost everyone's dream. However, not all Nepali youth are able to land their dream job or a well-paying job in their home country. According to the Nepal Labour Survey 2015, at least 300,000 to 400,000 young people join the Nepali job market each year in search of work, but only 5% of them succeed in finding work (Lohani, 2016). The rest are either forced to leave the country in search of work in another country, or accept low-paying jobs that are unworthy of their qualifications.

employment board

- Trained Teaching Staff ?

Many teachers in Nepal are unqualified, untrained, and unexperienced, particularly in rural and remote areas. Teacher education services are also small and centralised. Furthermore, the majority of teachers are chosen at the discretion of political leaders, regardless of their qualifications, training, or experience. 

Teacher morale is vital, as they can be either the greatest obstacle to or the driving force behind a community school's success. You can imagine how low the teachers' morale is as a result of all of this. On the university campus, few teachers spend much time.Several professors on Kathmandu-area campuses spend more time negotiating donor-funded projects than giving lectures, supervising researchers, or conducting their own studies. Some of them have their own offices in town where they provide consulting services. Others who aren't in the consulting industry teach in other private schools or campuses in the evenings.

Administration of Nepal Education

Nepal's governance structure is currently undergoing changes. Nepal has been divided into seven states since the adoption of the 2015 constitution, with political authority, including education administration, projected to transfer gradually to states and local governments. The adoption of the new federal system, on the other hand, is a contentious and slow-moving mechanism rife with setbacks.Not all local governments are completely functional throughout the transition phase, and most of Nepal's education system is still run under the previous system, under which the Ministry of Education supervised five Regional Educational Directorates, with numerous District Education Offices and Resource Centers enforcing policies at the local level.

Colleges are administered by the University Grants Commission (UGC) – an administrative body under the protection of the MOE. The UGC dispenses government awards to colleges, instructs the public authority on the foundation regarding new colleges, sets quality principles and forms approaches planned to propel the nature of advanced education.

- Elementary Education

The fundamental school educational program is set in a public educational program structure, which is at present under survey. It incorporates standard subjects like language instruction (Nepali and primary languages), English, math, sciences, sociologies, actual schooling and some elective subjects in higher evaluations. Advancement depends on term-end and year-end school assessments, while grade 8 finishes up with a locale wide last assessment. The scholastic year runs from April to March/April and is organized around the Nepali New Year in April.

- Secondary Eduation

Preceding the new changes, the optional educational system was isolated into two years of lower auxiliary schooling (grades 9 and 10) and two years of higher auxiliary instruction (grades 11 and 12), with the two fragments closing with discrete public assessments. Under the current framework, the two phases have been consolidated into a bound together 4-year optional training cycle. The old public School Leaving Certificate (SLC) Examination held toward the finish of evaluation 10 will currently be held at the territorial level and has been renamed into "Optional Education Examination" (SEE). Broadly, there will be just a single last public school leaving test toward the finish of level 12. These progressions have been really taking shape for a long while, however were ultimately endorsed into law in 2016 and are as of now being actualised.

- Conclusion

It's long past time for Nepal to reconsider its curriculum and teaching methods. Only then will it meet international educational standards and produce a generation of competent, self-assured, and intelligent people.


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